Adoption, Books, Desert Living, Encouragement, Family, Health, Lyme Disease, Memoir


I sit here at my computer gazing out at the sunshine dancing off the evergreen trees in my backyard.  I’m grateful for the sunshine.  Life has been full of many blessings over the last month since I have written here. 

My intentions to write have been good, but actions haven’t followed through.

I feel like I have a lot to share with you. Yesterday afternoon I had planned to write my next blog, but life took a turn.  Stevan was involved in a car accident.  I got the call from Brad at 2 pm while having lunch with a dear friend.  I had just told her in our conversation over lunch, that life has been going so well, my brain is telling me, “When will the next shoe drop?”

As I listened to Brad on the phone, he gave me brief details, and I hurried up and headed for the hospital.  I’m not going to get into the weeds of the accident here, but I learned more about myself through this experience.

Stevan’s angels were protecting him, he walked away from the crash, with a mild concussion and a few cuts.  I know he will be extremely sore for a few days.  My immediate fear yesterday was if this accident would trigger his trauma that he has suffered from his time in Jamaica.  The answer is YES it did, but though my fears were accurate, last night once he arrived home, I saw a transformation in him, and my heart smiled.  Evidence of his growth and healing!

As I sat in the ER room yesterday while he was down for a CT scan, I thought of my plans to write my blog and tell you all the good and exciting things that have been going on in my life, but here I sat in the ER.  Thoughts of “why God” passed through and in the past those thoughts wouldn’t have passed they would have lingered and spiraled and sent me crashing. But this time they PASSED THROUGH” Evidence of my growth and healing!

 I can testify today about all the blessings in my life:

Stevan’s accident though scary, frustrating, and painful physically and emotionally – HE IS GOOD

Kaden graduated from college at IWU on April 27! I am proud of his determination and courage. Those who have followed my blog know of his battle with Lyme Disease.  He is 85% better, and we are continuing to seek ways to help him reach 100% – HE IS GOOD

Bryson is doing well in Arizona. He got to travel with his ADH family to New Mexico for vacation last week.  We are finally working with vocational rehab about a job, but the process is as slow as a snail. Life isn’t perfect for him but – HE IS GOOD

Tyrell and Kaden both got engaged in the past 5 months, super excited to welcome their ladies into our family, one wedding in September of this year and the other next May – WEDDINGS ARE GOOD

Last week we received all the money back that we paid from May – September 2023 to the Arizona Government during the time that they had denied Bryson’s services for his ADH home.  We didn’t receive any apology or admittance of wrongdoing, but seeing that money in my checking account – GOD IS GOOD

On Monday, Bryson’s legal guardianship transfer to Arizona was complete – GOD IS GOOD

Finally… my book!

I received my book back from my editor a week and a half ago.  I have been diligently working on all the edits.  There were many edits, but her kind words “Excellent work on this!” helped me navigate through each one.  My editor did an amazing job of helping me see where I needed to clarify more and dig deeper into my emotions to help convey my story to the reader.  Monday, I spent 11 ½ hours at the computer and I am almost done with the edits.  Next step is to submit my manuscript to a copy editor. – GOD IS GOOD

Writing this book has been therapeutic for me.  As I have journeyed through the past 26 years, I have seen the evidence of my GROWTH AND HEALING! I’m excited to share it with all of you but I’m anxious and scared too. I’ve opened myself up to share ALL of me with you.  In doing this, my hope that someone will read it and be able to find GROWTH AND HEALING for themselves.

In the next few weeks, I will have a better idea when the book will be published.  I’ll let you know.


Adoption, Desert Living, Encouragement, Family

The Mountains Declare

Yesterday afternoon, Brad and I arrived in the desert. We came to see Bryson, grab some sunshine and Brad to attend a Winnipeg Jets Hockey game against the Arizona Coyotes. Bryson sees his new neurologist next week and so that was my “excuse” that I needed to be here. Melissa, Bryson’s ADH provider could easily have attended the appointment with Bryson. She has done a great job of navigating all of Bryson’s medical needs in the 5 months that Bryson has lived with them, I am very grateful.

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Adoption, Siblings, Special Needs

The Middle

Being in the middle is a hard place to be, I don’t enjoy the middle seat of an airplane; no place to put my arms.  The middle of a conflict is difficult too; especially if it involves relationships.  The middle sibling… I can’t relate to that place, but I have observed it as a parent.  The middle child can get lost in the shuffle.  Brad and I talked often about Ty and whether he would feel neglected with so much of my energy going toward Bryson’s medical needs and then having a younger child that always needs more help.  We also discussed the thought of Ty being the middle child but because of Bryson’s needs, he was in the position of the first born.  Would these roles make it more difficult for Ty as he matures?  Then you throw in the “sibling to a special needs brother” role and “I’m no longer the only middle brother” but I am sharing the middle role with my new adoptive brother.

I was looking through my old writings yesterday and I found the following written on October 4, 2009

The other night, Tyrell brought home a slip of paper from school about a cross county run for the elementary kids at Fairfield High School.  This is a chance for elementary kids to get a taste of running one mile with the high school coaches.   As he handed me the paper,  Ty said “mom, I want to run this race with Bryson.  The top 10 get medals and everyone gets a ribbon.”  I thought this was cool that Ty wanted to run with his brother, but I thought to myself, “does Ty understand Bryson’s limitations?” I commented back to him that we should see if Trent and Tucker want to participate.  Ty responded back quickly with “why not just with Bryson?”  I thought I had stated the obvious to Ty by reminding him that Bryson would have a hard time running and finishing.  Ty answered “that is ok, I don’t have to get a medal, and we would still get a ribbon.”  Sacrifice and love all came gushing out of my sweet sensitive 9-year-old son.  He was willing to sacrifice a chance at a medal to run with his brother.   Ty’s heart wanted to see his brother succeed.   I think that Ty understands the fact that it really isn’t about winning, it is all about participating and finishing the race. 

Reading this brought tears and I thought about my laid back, sensitive and caring middle son who doesn’t like being in the spotlight, doesn’t ask for many things and who at the age of 9 already understood what is truly important in life.  Ty has lived his life as a middle brother to Bryson with genuine care and love.  He welcomed his adoptive middle brother to the family with grace and kindness. These same qualities he gives to all those who call him family and friend.  Wherever he goes young kids love him. He will go the extra mile for a friend in need.  A man of few words but when he does speak, listen to him….they are solid, good and life giving words.

Thanks Ty, it is my blessing and honor to be your mom!

Adoption, Family

The Power of Presence

IMG_7611Our trip to Jamaica is complete, the mission of our trip was accomplished, and I learned a good lesson through it all. I struggled before we left about how Kaden and I were going to bond with a twelve year old boy. I knew the atmosphere of the orphanage, the emotional needs for attention and affection. I knew having three sons that communication isn’t always their top priority and especially when it involves their feelings. So how were we going to bond and connect with Stevan?

The truth of the matter is that we had spent only one hour together before. So we were really starting out again as strangers, strangers in reality but family because of God’s plan. How do you go from stranger to mom and brother in a few days? It started slow, Stevan’s smile upon seeing us was proof that we had made a slight dent in April when we met with him. There was recognition and maybe a sliver of hope in his eyes. To be honest it was awkward for me, I was nervous, my mom heart has been praying and loving and crying for this boy, I had so much emotions inside to express but to him I was still a stranger. We sat down and asked the typical questions you ask a stranger when you need to start a conversation. Thankfully the house mothers gave us privacy on the first day and only several other kids were around. We showed him pictures of our home and community, I asked him numerous questions which were answered with one word. We played UNO, we played DOTS. But the majority of the time it was silent, just playing. My heart wanted to say so much, but just did not know how and wanted to be cautious in not overwhelming Stevan, I didn’t want to think he was being interrogated.

When I went home that evening to reflect on our day, the theme that kept running through my head was “The Power of Presence.” I pondered through it and was struck with such a peace and an understanding of what this trip was about. Stevan needs to know I love him and that might not involve words. I am a very wordy person, through writing and speaking. My closest friends know how much I love to talk. I also don’t do well with silence. But God wanted to teach me something through this trip, sometimes just sitting with someone speaks louder than any words can and also that God wants me to sometime just sit in His Presence, not asking or praising just to be with HIM.

The next day I didn’t feel forced to communicate and ask a lot of questions to Stevan, it would have been hard anyway because this day we didn’t get the privacy and we were surrounded by about 25 children hungry for affection and attention. My heart was at rest, I sat back and watched, I watched Stevan’s interaction with the other kids, I watched how fast he could make rubber band bracelets on his fingers. I watched him sneak little peaks at me with his beautiful eyes. I watched the interaction between Stevan and Kaden. I sat off to the side and talked to his house mother Ms. Joy. I learned so much in watching, Stevan knew I was there. Love happened that day just through the power of being close.

By Sunday, he grabbed my hand to hold. Ahhh….. that was an amazing feeling. I was still present, I was available to him, he knew I was a safe place, he had felt my love. Did our communication increase after that? NO, but that was ok, he continued to answer the few questions I asked and that was good, but we continued to just hang out together. He loved the music on my phone, he loved to look at my pictures over and over. He loved playing games on Kaden’s iPod. We successfully started the bonding process and we moved a few more notches over from stranger to family.

We learned some hard facts about Stevan’s history through our adoption worker, I heard some great things from his house mother about him. I also got to talk to his pastor at church and she spoke good things about Stevan. I learned more about his schooling. I got a lot of questions answered and I have a lot of questions that still need to be asked. Captain Palmer, the orphanage director was not there so I never got to meet her and ask her questions. There is still paperwork on the Jamaica side that needs to be completed, there is not an adoption board meeting in August because of it is a holiday month, so as of now we should be ready for the adoption board meeting the middle of September with a home date first of October. Is that concrete? As adoption goes, not at all, but that is our prayer and hope. Our family is so ready for this next step, our family isn’t complete anymore in Indiana, there is a piece missing and when I said good bye to Steven, I confirmed with him that I can’t wait to be his mother and that his family is waiting for him. The power of God’s presence has been amazing through this journey. I am so grateful that God is always sitting by watching me and loving me and inviting me into a closer relationship with Him too!!!

Adoption, Family

God’s Timing

I have been praying since we started the adoption process for Stevan (just found out that this is the correct spelling of his name on his birth certificate) to be home by August. When I think of Stevan and his needs; being here to start school on time would be helpful; not arriving in the winter would be great.  I shared this a while back with a friend and she said to me that we need to realize that God’s timing is the perfect timing and our ideas might not be the same as His. This left me a bit dejected and questioning “isn’t it ok to ask for a miracle and for the things that would be most helpful to Stevan?” So I continued to pray for it but with less energy and passion as I had before.
Over the past several weeks, the adoption has made progress but looking at the entire process in all reality I came to the realization that August would have to be a TOTAL GOD THING, because humanly it definitely seemed out of the question. We were told our case should be ready for the adoption board by August because it will miss the July deadline because they are waiting on Stevan’s medical exam. So I let go and told God I’ll just wait for His timing.
Yesterday, I got to talk to a father who is in the process of adopting their second child from Jamaica and he gave me some amazing advice of things that I can do to help speed up the end process. He also told me that the adoption board isn’t meeting in August because it is a big holiday month and they won’t have it. I felt let down, that means we will have to wait until September. This father told me that the July adoption board is meeting this Saturday. So my mind started spinning, what if Stevan’s medical came this week, would there be a small chance that our case could get slipped in? Because I was also told that after the adoption board approval, it could only be several weeks until he could be ready to come home. Then my HEART stopped, what several weeks? The whole thought freaked me out. I have been praying for August; my mother heart has been loving him and so ready for him to come home, but could it actually happen in a few weeks? I’M NOT READY!!! How could I think that? The best for him is to come home now, but what if I’m not emotionally and mentally ready? What if God’s timing is to wait a few more months because HE knew that I needed more time to prepare for this life changing event.
So my heart has been rocked today as I wrestle with the possibility of a miracle from God, but also telling God, I think you might be right, I’m not sure I’m ready yet. My conclusion as of now is that this is another step in my faith journey of trusting God that HE knows best and His Timing is always PERFECT. So if it is next month or October, I know that there is no way I can do this adoption without His strength, guidance and peace. He will make me ready for what Stevan needs from me when he comes home. I’m learning how HARD adoption is mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and I haven’t even brought him home yet. But I’m BELIEVING with 100% faith that this will be one of the best things that I will experience in my life. It’s all in God’s TIMING!!

Adoption, Encouragement, Family


heartLast night we went out to eat as a family to celebrate Brad’s birthday. As we were waiting for our food, I asked my boys if they realized how spoiled they were. They responded with yes they knew and right away one of them said, “Stephen probably never has been able to go to a restaurant like this.” We went on to talk about all the things that Stephen probably has not done and all the new things that we will need to teach him.

I have been thinking about this conversation and a lot has been going through my brain. What are the reasons why Stephen would want to be adopted? He probably is unaware of the many 1st World opportunities that he does not even know what all will be available to him, so is it just for LOVE? The love of a family? I know what I want to offer him, I want to offer him love, family, hope, education, dreams, purpose and a lot of STUFF!! I want to give him a nice room, his own bicycle, electronics and the list can go on and on of stuff that I think he might want or need. Yes all of these things seem important to us because it is what we KNOW but what is going to be most important when Stephen comes home? Our total love and acceptance; because as we give him these he will then be able to know and understand God’s love for him.

I am feeling convicted in my relationship with God. Why do I want to be adopted into God’s family? Is it just for love or do I think and demand stuff from God? Is my relationship with God strong to the point that His love and acceptance of me just as I am is ENOUGH? What if my prayers are not answered and life is hard and painful and I’m not getting all the STUFF that I want, is HIS LOVE enough?

We are living in a society where we have access to so much stuff that I think we become spoiled and bogged down with trivial things and lose out on the meaning that God so intended for His children. He has adopted all of us into His family out of His incredible LOVE for us PERIOD! That’s all folks, God desires a relationship with me and He offers me that LOVE freely, no strings attached and I get a BIG FAMILY of other Christ Lovers with it too!

So as I put myself in Stephen’s shoes as an orphan with NOTHING to my name and Jesus came and said “LET ME LOVE YOU, I’m not promising you riches, glory or stuff, JUST LOVE” Would I still say YES? My head screams YES OF COURSE, but my heart says I need a bit more work done, I need to lay down my expectations and IDEALS and just take God at HIS Word…. I LOVE YOU LISA and that is ENOUGH!

Adoption, Encouragement, Seizures, Special Needs

Wrestling in my Brain

hands up

God has revealed Himself to me in so many miraculous ways during this adoption journey so far.  I have been brought to tears by words from others as they revealed what God had placed on their hearts for me.  I have felt a deep peace the last several weeks and I can say “I’m living with my hands up!”  I BELIEVE that He is going to do even more amazing things than I could ever imagine through and in this adoption….. but then today as I drove to school to pick up Bryson, the third day in a row, because he had a seizure again, a wrestling match started up in my brain.  God WHY seizures again? God I asked for healing for Bryson, I’ve asked A LOT over the years, WHY? Then I heard the thoughts in my head say “can you really bring Stephen home soon, if you can’t heal Bryson?”  The wrestling went back and forth, I recalled many miracles that God had performed on Bryson’s behalf; but he is having seizures again! I have grown so much in my faith because of Bryson’s life; but he is having seizures again! WHY??  Will you perform a miracle God for this adoption?  I think my hands have been up God, I’ve been trusting, but WHY does Bryson have to struggle again?

I felt my hands lower a bit when Bryson told me that he didn’t make these seizures happen. I reassured him I knew it wasn’t anything that he did.  My heart breaks for him as he is trying to understand what is going on in his body.  He told me he thinks that they just need to up his meds.  I agreed and told him we will get things figured out and I am sorry he had to miss track practice again.  OK God WHY?

Truth screams at me and I KNOW that God will work all things out! I KNOW that God is in the miracle business in Bryson’s life and Stephen’s life.  But right now my hands are a bit weary, is it easier to just grab a hold of the bar of worry?  I don’t want to go there, I want to lift my hands back up fully and totally dependent on God, but tonight I am tired.

Adoption, Family

Living with My Hands UP


roller coaster    The week before we left for Jamaica I was an emotional wreak.  I was hearing conflicting reports about things in Jamaica and just didn’t know what to believe.  I shared this will some of my friends and I told them I was on a roller coaster ride.  I DON’T LIKE roller coasters.  There are two reasons why I don’t; first I get physically sick when I am on one.  My stomach just can’t handle the curves and up and down moves.  Second of all, I like to be in control, I want a firm grip on what goes on in my life.

One of my friends responded to my email about my emotional mess with these words “Just thinking to the subject ‘roller coaster ride’ … that it is for sure….and what is good about a roller coaster?!?  Riding with your hands up, letting go of everything – especially expectations and enjoy the wild and crazy ride!  Be carefree – not because you don’t care, but because you TRUST the ONE TRUE GOD!”

Do you remember what I just said was my second reason I don’t like roller coasters?  She truly challenged me when I read it.  I copied the quote onto another piece of paper and packed it to take with me to Jamaica.  I also mentally put the image of my hands up in the air in totally surrender to God as I boarded the flight to Jamaica.  I wanted to let go and TRUST, I wanted to put my hands up, but to be honest I was terrified.

We went to a resort for the first 2 days and yes I enjoyed the time together, swimming and soaking up the sun but I was not relaxed, I still held a firm grip onto my worries.  My stomach continued to churn on occasion.  I kept bringing up the image of my hands up, I read through my devotions and pleaded with God to help me BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM.  My heart believed but my head was holding on to all the details and worldly concerns.

Tuesday we left Montego Bay to head for Mandeville where we would be staying for the next 3 days.  The distance between these two places is not far, but it is about a 4 hour journey due to hair pin curves, pot holes and narrow roads through the mountains.  I trusted our driver, but my reason one of not liking roller coasters became obvious as I had to bury my head in Brad’s lap with my eyes tightly closed to survive the nauseous waves that would go through me.  We arrived safely to our home in Mandeville.  Our family stayed in a 2 bedroom rental.  No internet, no phone, no TV… we were told to not go outside the locked gates of the house.  Our driver left and it was just our family left there in the middle of this tiny island far far from home.  Bryson’s comment was that we were like the Amish; Ty clarified that at least we had electricity!!!  I caught Ty standing by the locked and barred screen door and asked him if he felt like he was in prison, he answered with a yes.  Through all the differences, we settled in…. we were served amazing Jamaican food by our beautiful cook Karen.  We bonded together as a family in a way we probably hadn’t before.

Tuesday night, I couldn’t fall asleep right away, getting used to the dogs barking and other noises of the neighborhood.  As I lay in bed, I cried out to God for complete TRUST….  HE heard me and reminded me of his miraculous power and I cried myself to sleep.   I woke up early Wednesday morning and went to spend some time in the Word.  This is the scripture He gave to me; Isaiah 41:13 For I hold you by your right hand- I, the Lord your God.  And I say to you, Don’t be afraid, I am here to help you.  God was moving, I felt the grip start to loosen, I was totally out of my element and it was GOOD because HE had my hand, He was there to help!

On Wednesday we sent the boys off to a Basic school (3-6 years olds) with the youth group from Brad’s home church in Manitoba, Canada.  (The youth leaders were Brad’s niece and nephew) Brad and I headed to Kingston with our Jamaican friend, Patrick to meet with Stephen’s social worker.  Our meeting with her was brief but good.  She clarified that Stephen had no family and was available.  All that needed to happen to make sure things were fair was to run through their database to make sure that no other family had applied before us for a 12 year old boy.  Most people want to adopt 2-6 year olds so I wasn’t worried, but I just wanted to KNOW.  We were told that we would know by the end of the week.  (we haven’t heard yet) but I’m OK with that.  I had shared with the social worker and adoption coordinator at the agency about how God directly spoke to me about Stephen being a part of our family.  It seemed from their reactions that they were both Christians, they just stated “if it is God’s will it will happen.”  I let go a bit more of my grip, God is working…..  He has people in place that BELIEVE.

Brad’s niece and husband are in the process of adopting an 8 year old boy from the same orphanage as Stephen.  They had been having a hard time with some of the workers and weren’t sure that they would get to see their son.  We had been given a letter on Wednesday that gave permission for us to go to the orphanage and see Stephen on Thursday.  So Thursday morning, I went with them to see their social worker.  After discussion and several phone calls, the plan was for the orphanage director to bring both boys to the agency at 4:00 that afternoon.  I had been up at 5 that morning and spend time pleading and seeking God for a miracle for them to see their son.  I saw God moving again and I could feel myself let go even more of my grip. At first I was disappointed that we wouldn’t get to go to the orphanage for the whole family to see where Stephen lived.  But God revealed later to us; HIS plans were better than ours.

We send Thursday with the youth group going again to the basic school the boys had been at the day before. They were having their annual sports day.  It was fun to watch these kids participate in their races.  I couldn’t keep from checking the time often.  The time felt like it was going so slow.  I was going to meet Stephen again, this time with a love in my heart that had been beautifully placed there by God.  What exactly do you ask a 12 year old boy?  What do you talk about?  I didn’t want to overwhelm him with five people surrounding him asking questions.

We arrived to the agency before 4 and I set in the back of the van for awhile seeking God’s face for wisdom and peace.  The sky produced a heavy rainfall and we had to run into the agency.  We were called back and into the room, there he sat in a big board room chair.  The boy who had captured my heart.  As Bryson, Ty and Kaden entered the room, Brad asked Stephen if he remembered Ty and the way Stephen’s eyes lit up, I think there was some recognition.  We used pictures from my phone to break the ice.  Showing him pictures from our trip up till then in Jamaica and pictures from home.  Then we started asking him questions.  He wrote the answers out on a piece of paper and nerves started to calm down and there were smiles and bonding started to happen.  My mind raced at all that we should ask him, we kept it to fairly light questions; favorite sport, food, color etc.  Finally I leaned over and asked “Stephen do you know that we want to make you part of our family?” He replied quickly acknowledging that he had known before.  I was relieved because he didn’t seem upset or too scared.  I felt that words were said in peace.

I had been worrying that maybe I was wrong in my impression of him at our first meeting last July.  But after a short time of interaction it was confirmed that my impressions were right, a beautiful, kind, soft spoken and smart boy. It was awesome for me to watch Brad and Stephen bond.  My amazing husband, who said YES with total blind faith about this boy.  Brad told me later how he had been worried too if I had been accurate on my impression of Stephen. We took pictures and the hour went too fast.  We told him we had no idea how long it would be but we would come get him and we left him there.  My heart ached but also I felt this flooding of peace that he would be OK, God had Stephen in the palm of HIS hand, I can TRUST.  AS we walked outside the rain had stopped and it had cooled the temp down, it was like God was breathing a freshness into me.  I felt a lightness about me and as I think about it now I think my hands were up in the air with open palms.

My life journey has been filled with many roller coaster rides full of UPS, DOWNS and twisting TURNS.   I found God’s comfort through the loss of my dad; peace and courage through Brad’s accident and lung surgery.  I have felt God’s strength, hope and understanding through the life of Bryson.   Each of these experiences have brought me to a new place of trust and to a deeper place of fellowship with God.  But I have to be honest this journey that started on November 7th has taken me to a place that I haven’t experienced before.  Each of the other experiences were out of my control to start with; I had to rely on God and trust HIM because of what had been given to me.  This journey I CHOOSE; I answered with a YES; I stepped out into the UNKNOWN; I put myself on this roller coaster ride!  With one obedient step I got into the coaster car along with my family; I fastened my seat belt and I told God GO…… I’m all in, I’m here for the ride that you have called me too……  Yes, I know that it has taken me awhile, (I’m a slow truster) and because I’m not perfect I will find myself griping the bar with white knuckles again.  I don’t have clear answers or a timeline for this journey, but for now I am going to put my hands up, let go of my expectations and enjoy this wild and crazy ride with HIM.

Adoption, Family


jamaica mapIn a month from now our family will be traveling to Jamaica.  Jamaica, a country that used to bring warm sun and beautiful beaches to my mind, is now a country where my son lives.  I have to sit here and soak on that sentence for a while.  We are hoping to take in a few days of beautiful beaches on this trip but our main purpose is to connect with Stephen.  My stomach does a lot of swirling when I think of this meeting.  Ty and I met Stephen last July and he found his way into our hearts with his genuine sweetness and smile.  But then he was just a sweet boy with big dreams and little hope in my heart; today he is MINE in my heart.

These last days my mind has been doing a lot of thinking about this crazy amazing journey we are on and the faith that it takes each day to live it and I have found myself in awe of my husband, Brad.  Brad has never met Stephen; he has not been to Jamaica except for a ½ day excursion when we were on a cruise.  This wonderful husband of mine is going to Jamaica to meet his son all based on my words about him.  Yes, God has confirmed in his heart that this adoption is what we are to do, but without any connection to this twelve year old boy.   I have asked myself would I be as open to this if I had not made this connection?  God is weaving an amazing story so I won’t stay stuck on that question too long but I do know that this whole adventure is building my faith deeper than I could have imagined.

I have learned that Stephen knows that there is a family that wants to adopt him.  I’m sure he doesn’t remember us from last July because the orphanage has a lot of people coming to hang out with the kids.  I have talked to Stephen several times on the phone but that is all he has to go on.  What is going through this twelve year old boy’s mind?  Is he excited, nervous, afraid, and hopeful????  He probably is all of the above.  How do you approach a boy this age and convey the love you have for him without overwhelming him?  There will be a lot of prayers for direction in this next month.  My prayer is that the knowledge that Stephen knows now will prepare his heart for our first meeting as a family.

Stephen has made his way deep into my heart.  My love for him is indescribable, it is a love that can’t compare to anything else because I know that this love is being built and bonded by my Heavenly Father.  The joy I see in Bryson, Ty and Kaden’s eyes when we talk about Stephen is another sign of that God love that is building.  So we wait….. we wait another 30 + days to make that physical connection; and then we will wait again for the time that the permanent reunion can happen.  Through this journey so far I am amazed at how the power of God is shaking, rattling and rolling my heart and mind and forming me into this new person that knows it is truly 100% about God and HIS plan for me and WOW it is a beautiful and scary thing.

Adoption, Encouragement, Family

On a God Adventure

jamaicaAs I reflect back on the past year, I can clearly see God’s hand in it all.  He has moved, shaken, blessed and surprised me.  It has brought me to a place of full dependency in some areas and a place of awe in others.  What seemed like different paths He had me on, I can see clearly now, His hand weaving all these paths together for one amazing adventure.

Let me bring you onboard my adventure.  In March, 2013 I started online classes at Light University Online to become a Christian Life Coach.  I completed my classes in November of 2013 to receive an Advanced Diploma in Life Coaching.  At first this was a scary thing for me because I had not applied my mind to education in 20 years.  But I fell in love with the learning and the classes.  My main three electives were Hope Coaching, Stress Management and Spiritual Formation.  I’m just now slowly getting my coaching practice started.

In June, Ty and I ventured on a mission trip to Jamaica with 8 other people, mostly Brad’s family members.  This was an amazing time of discovery and heartbreak for me and it was an eye opening experience for Ty.  I will always remember the mother/son bonding that happened those 11 days.  I just thought I was on a mission trip; well God had bigger plans in store……….. (Just hang on; I’ll get back to this.)

The years of 2011 and 2012 were very difficult for my health, I was dealing with Fibromyalgia like symptoms, I ached all over and was exhausted all the time.  I went through a battery of tests and discovered nothing.  Finally in January 2013, I had my food allergies taken and it showed I was allergic to 19 foods (it included all the normal foods I ate) I went into a mild depression and didn’t see how I could eliminate those foods from my diet.  Then I discovered Isagenix, a nutritional cleansing system that provides your body the nutrition it needs for optimum health.  I started it in August, and immediately started feeling better and I have lost a total of 40 pounds already.  I got my health and my life back.

So back to BIGGER PLANS……. God gave me a great year of learning and education that increased my confidence and gave me a clear career path.  He brought me products that helped restore my health.  He sent me on a mission trip to Jamaica.  In all of these things, I BELIEVE His main purpose was exposed when on November 7th, He spoke to me and He said, Lisa you are to adopt STEPHEN!!  Yes, ADOPT.  Stephen is an 11 year old boy that we met in the summer.  He made a great impact on our mission team.   I was shaking, excited and scared.  I really wanted to bury this and forget I heard this, but it was too strong to bury.  I send an email to Brad at work and it said:

“Brad I am going crazy right now.  I just had a crazy thought or a God moment and I don’t know what to do with it.  This morning I had been praying for some of the kids from Jamaica that I had met this summer like I do, nothing unusual happened.  When I was working out at the gym they had a segment on the today show about adoption, great, made me teary but finished my workout.  Came home and get into the shower and it was like bang… Stephen in the red shirt popped into my head. steven and ty He was an amazing young man, 11 years old, full of vision and love for Jesus.  I had this wrenching in my heart and it was like I need to bring him home.  I have no idea if he is even adoptable and as you can tell, I never had any heart pulls this summer when I was there.  What am I to do Brad? 

I will sit on it, pray it, but what is it??????  I am honestly scared to death of this thought.”                                            

I arrived in Brad’s office 20 minutes after I sent the email and I asked him so what do you think of my email?  He sat there and was quiet for awhile, which to me felt like forever.  Finally he smiled and went on to share how the evening before he had been at a men’s group.  He had been asked what 2 words describe his life currently.  One of his words was unrest.  He had told the men that we had been seeking God as to what He wants for our lives and Brad’s exact words to these men were “we could adopt but Lisa is not very domestic!”  Yep you heard him right.  So when Brad got my email and he recalled the events of the evening before he could only say, YES!

So together we prayed about it, I contacted our friend in Jamaica to see if he could find out if Stephen was adoptable. When we found out that he was available we talked to our boys and they all said YES and the journey began!  We currently have our papers submitted to the US government and waiting for approval.  We have our initial Jamaican papers filed in Kingston and just today I found out Stephen’s last name and birth place.  All of Stephen’s personal information has been added to our file today and now we are waiting for initial approval and then we will submit our entire package to them. Our hearts have totally fallen in love with our new son and brother.  This mother’s heart is full of love and to be honest I am scared.

My word for 2014 is BELIEVE and I am clinging to the promise that where God calls, He will lead and never abandon.  The Plett family’s world is going to be rocked in the next year. I know that God is on this adventure with us and it is all because we listened and obeyed.  The rest has got to be placed in GOD’s hands.  I’m good with that.