About me

Greetings! My name is Lisa J. Plett, and I’m delighted to share with you the incredible journey that has shaped my life. To encapsulate the essence of who I am in a few sentences is no small feat, but one thing is certain – I am passionate about writing and sharing my story with the world.

For the past 29 years, I’ve had the privilege of being married to the most amazing man, Brad. Our journey together has been a remarkable one, filled with love, challenges, and growth. As a mother of four fine young men – Bryson, Tyrell, Stevan, and Kaden – I’ve experienced the joys and tribulations of motherhood that have enriched my life in countless ways. Our family expanded even further when we welcomed our fourth son from Jamaica into our lives in 2015 when he was just 13 years old.

My upbringing was rooted in a conservative Christian home, and my love for being a part of the church has always been a significant part of who I am. I embraced Jesus as my Savior at a young age, and my faith has continued to flourish over the years, deepening into a more profound and loving relationship with my Heavenly Father. I’ve walked alongside Him through the valleys and rejoiced with Him on the mountaintops, and this spiritual journey has been the core of my existence.

One of the most profound aspects of my life is my strong connection to special needs children and their families. My oldest son, Bryson, faced a challenging journey as he had a stroke in utero, resulting in developmental and physical delays. He also bravely battles Type 1 Diabetes. This experience has given me a unique perspective and a deep passion for supporting families facing similar challenges. Moreover, our family’s adoption journey over the last eight years, since Stevan became a part of our lives, has been full of its own unique trials and tribulations. Adoption and the trauma that often accompanies it are causes that have touched my heart deeply, igniting my dedication to raising awareness and providing support.

Through these experiences, I have discovered my purpose, which is to share Christ through spreading joy, encouragement, and serving others. It is my heart’s desire to share my own story and to listen to the stories of others, witnessing how God is moving in their lives. My mission is to inspire and uplift those I encounter, helping them find their own paths to purpose, faith, hope and healing.

I invite you to join me on this incredible journey of faith, family, purpose, hope and healing.  Let us learn from one another, share our stories, and walk hand in hand on this remarkable adventure called life. Together, we can make a difference and spread the love and light of Christ to all we encounter.

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One thought on “About me”

  1. Barb Lataillade says:

    I’ve just signed up and am so excited to read your journey. Actually I’d love to sit and have a cup of tea with you. Your story sound so inspiring and interesting

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