Desert Living, Encouragement, Family, Memoir, Special Needs, Stress and Anxiety, Uncategorized

A Boy and His Dog

It was early winter of 2016, I had been heading into a deep dive of depression following Steven coming home.  Bryson had been asking for a long time for a dog, and he had an infatuation with Pomskies.  One afternoon, Bryson approached me “mom I found some pomsky puppies for sale.” I of course stopped and looked at the link through Facebook.  They were adorable.  Heading into winter it was not the best time to sell puppies and they were offering them at a discounted price.  Pomskies, at that time, were a high price item.

 I knew I was in trouble….I knew I should not go….  but I needed a diversion I needed something else to think about except the hard that my life was handing me.  I made a phone call, an appointment and soon Bryson and I were on our way.  We traversed into the backroads of  Amish County until we arrived at the Amish farm.

We approached the large white house, knocking on the door to their washroom.  We were greeted by a mom and numerous young kids, as well as five Pomsky puppies.  The puppies greeted us wagging their tails and looking for affection.  Bryson and I engaged with the puppies, petting them, and taking turns holding them.  I knew from that moment, it was over, I would be going home with a puppy!

Brad rolled his eyes at me when I told him when we returned home that we found THE ONE! I went through all the reasons this would work… Bryson would help pay for him….  Bryson had always wanted one, how can we tell him no, we tell him no so often… maybe this dog could be Bryson’s companion and learn how to detect his low blood sugars.  I thought of every probable reason to make it feel like Bryson needed a puppy and that’s exactly what happened a week later.

Bryson and I went to the Amish farmhouse and brought our puppy home, we named him Rizzo after Bryson’s favorite Chicago Cub’s baseball player.  He fast became a loved member of our family. Rizzo became my distraction and filled my time as I battled depression.

Fast forward to 2022 we had decided that Bryson and I were going on an adventure to Arizona to move him there.  We knew that bringing Rizzo along was not an idea that would work, the heat, the RV living and not knowing the dog situation with the family that he would be placed in.

Bryson was sad, it was a difficult time for him.  Rizzo wasn’t happy with our move either.  I had been his primary caregiver and I left him, abandoned him for months on end.  Brad and Ty tolerated him and his bad behaviors.  We spent lots of money with the dog sitter as Brad traveled back and forth.  We talked about finding a new home for Rizzo, Bryson was angry and told us we didn’t have the right to rehome him.  But we knew that we were not giving Rizzo what he needed.

In the summer of 2023 after I had returned home from placing Bryson in his new home, we found an amazing home for Rizzo.  Last week I received pictures of Rizzo.  He is living in Arkansas, he has five other dog companions, 2 cat companions, a gigantic, fenced backyard to play in, also he has a little boy who loves him.  Rizzo is living his best life!

As I was thinking about Rizzo and his situation, the correlation to Bryson came to mind.  It was exceedingly difficult to decide to move Bryson to Arizona and to let him go live with another family.  But this past week, seeing pictures of him on vacation with his new family, birthday, and Special Olympics pictures, I know that Bryson is also living his best life!

Even when the road ahead seems hard and doesn’t seem right…. stepping out in faith and moving on can bring the best that’s yet to come!

Desert Living, Encouragement, Special Needs, Uncategorized

Happy New Year

2024 is here! I continue to be amazed at how fast the years go by. What I have heard is that as we get older the faster time seems to go by.

2023 was full of many changes, opportunities, and great memories! It was also full of letting go, questions and hard moments.

As I look ahead at my 2024 calendar, I see travel adventures, Kaden’s college graduation and wedding planning and the hopes of having a published book by year end. I look forward with hope and excitement, but not denying the fact that there will be hard moments ahead too.

Great memories were made while our family was in the desert the week before Christmas. This mama heart was full as all my boys were together, and adding two precious girlfriends in our adventures was awesome, I no longer was the only female!

Bryson’s daily life still isn’t what he wants and even though he is discouraged, he has no desire to return to Indiana. We finally had our first interview with Vocational Rehab to start the process of helping him find a job. We are also inquiring into several other day programs that hopefully will be a better fit for him.

I have been feeling stuck the last month on writing the manuscript for my book. I know that I shared in a previous post, how writing is hard. I knew the process would be hard, but I didn’t realize it would be as difficult. It’s not about what I’m writing about, I have the memories, I have the stories, it’s the required writing style that paralyzes me. Several days ago, I reviewed my chapters, I have completed approximately 30% of the manuscript. My deadline is in two months, so I must get down to serious business and get the rest of the chapters written.

My blog site was updated with a few new features. I added a new subscriber button on the upper right corner of the site. I know many of you read my posts through Facebook and Instagram. I invite you to subscribe to my blog and you will receive new blog posts directly into your inbox. Also, my subscribers will be the first to hear updates regarding my book. If you had subscribed earlier,  you would need to resubscribe since I am using a new email host site.

As an incentive to sign up for my new subscriber list, I am giving away two signed copies of my book! I will take all the names of subscribers added between today and Thursday, January 4! I will draw names on the 5th and will let you know who will receive a free signed copy when the book is released.

I am grateful for each of you who has followed my adventures in 2023 and have offered support and care. I invite you to continue walking alongside me in 2024. Together we will cling to the HOPE, PEACE and PROMISES that our Heavenly Father has in store for each of us!

Books, Encouragement, Family, Memoir, Uncategorized

I have a Song for That

I have a dear friend, who has a gift of encouragement by sharing songs that meet you right where you need it most.  Songs have a way of speaking directly into the soul. 

When I am in a certain mood, lyrics from songs will pop in my head and add an extra boast of fun to a conversation. 

I always have music playing in my car. Many times, I’m not truly listening, it’s white noise.  There are times when I need words to sooth my heart and God delivers the exact song I need to hear.

Songs have a way of taking you back…. Just the other day, I heard a song, and it took me back to my youth group days, I could see the place, the people and I recalled exactly what we were doing as we were jamming to the song.  There are several worship songs that I love but are hard for me to listen to… they take me back to a hard situation in my life and those songs were played often during that time. 

My love for music started with Amy Grant, Michael W Smith, Stevan Curtis Chapman, Carman, Silverwind! This summer, when we were at my SIL house, they had a record of Silverwind… I got giddy and played it… oh the memories that flooded back.

As I started the research process for my book, I read through my writings from the past.  Included in my writings were many quotes, bible verses and song lyrics.  Many of them I want to include in my book because they were helpful to me at that time.  But I discovered that I can’t include song lyrics in my book because of copyright laws.  It makes me sad because music/songs are a huge part of me.

The Bible references music in some form in 1150 verses. God invites us to worship Him in song as a form of communication. He gifts people with words to write songs that bless His people. 

As I write my book and tell you about how God has moved through my life, I want to reflect and remember His grace, His power and trust Him in this process.  As I recall the memories of the good times and the hard times…. I just might have a song for that!

Desert Living, Encouragement, Family, Special Needs, Stress and Anxiety, Uncategorized

Mustard Seed

This afternoon at 5 pm eastern is the prehearing phone call between our lawyer and the State of Arizona.  To be honest and raw, my faith is small.  I want to believe… I want to be positive….

The trauma from 2 past decisions that the State made has caused me to question.  I know that God understands, and I know that He will take my mustard seed faith and can work miracles.  I need a miracle God!

Our family traveled to Manitoba on Sunday.  Brad took the long way back to his homeland.  We left early Sunday morning and dropped Brad off at Midway Airport in Chicago at 6 am. He boarded a plane to Phoenix and arrived there at 9:30 am Phoenix time.  Our friends, Gordon and Lynette, had picked up Bryson from his home and brought him to the airport.  They did a Bryson exchange… and Brad and Bryson boarded the next plane and left Phoenix at 12 pm.  They arrived in Minneapolis for their next connection flight to Winnipeg in the midafternoon.  Everything fell apart that this time…their connecting flight to Winnipeg was delayed and delayed until finally canceled at 12:25 am on Monday morning and rescheduled for Tuesday night! Try to explain that rescheduling timeline.  There were no hotels available in the area.  Finally, at 4:30 am Brad and Bryson climbed into an Uber and drove to a local gas station where Brad had to get cash out of the ATM to pay for the Uber drive and they were Ubered from Minneapolis to Grand Forks, North Dakota, a 5-hour drive! They arrived there around 9:30 am and Brad’s brother and brother-in-law drove the 4 hours down to get them and picked them up at 11:30 to drive them home.  Brad and Bryson finally with his family at 3:30 pm on Monday.  Exhausted and frustrated.

We also believe that when Brad opened Bryson’s suitcase in the airport for his seizure meds, his extra Dexcom sensor must have fallen out because we couldn’t find it anywhere. He needs a new one on Wednesday. Brad was able to find some online from a Canadian supplier and we are praying that they arrive tomorrow.

With these two incidents’ happening the last couple of days… my faith started getting weary and discouragement set in.

It was so good to see Bryson and he was happy to be with the Plett side of the family.  We have not been here as a family since 2019. 

The shenanigans started when we arrived on Sunday night, and I expect nothing less from them. 

I have been communicating with our lawyer all day today as she is preparing her argument.

I need all my prayer warriors again!


Desert Living, Family, Uncategorized


Day 241…. I arrived back to my home in Goshen! It is home to where I have lived for almost 17 years, but it does feel foreign. Home has been the desert for a lot of days.  I’m glad to be here but there are mixed emotions.  I keep telling myself to “give myself grace.”

Bryson is happy, we said our goodbyes on Tuesday; Brad and I left to travel home on Wednesday morning.  There are still obstacles ahead:

Government approval: our hearing is scheduled for June 28.   

Bryson to find a job; waiting for Vocational Rehab to get approved.

Bryson to find connections in the community.  We left him with people who already care for him and will provide him with a great home life.  We rest in that place.

I have many more things I could share now, but I need to settle back into home. I will continue writing, writing has been healing and I have a lot of that to do regarding the changes that have happened. 

Thanks for your prayers, I have felt them carry me!


Appeal Sent!

I received the needed paperwork and I emailed my appeal today! The agency has 30 days to respond. Please pray for smart and reasonable people to get my appeal request and will make a quick decision that is favorable for Bryson.

Enjoy some more beautiful pictures that I took on Sunday. The desert is alive with Poppies , Lupine and other wildflowers.

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Beauty in the Desert

I haven’t written anything in the last week, there is really no new information to share regarding Bryson’s case.  I am still waiting to receive a letter from Bryson’s Endocrinologist.  After I receive that I will file my official appeal. 

They say when life is hard, look up and see the beauty around you. That is what I have been doing.  My SIL Arlene has been here for the past week. We have shopped and eaten a lot of yummy food and we also went wildflower hunting. 

People say that the desert is ugly and brown. It can be in the heat of summer, but springtime… springtime brings out the beauty that showcases the creativity of our amazing God!  Enjoy the pictures!

Thanks for your prayers, I hope I can report GOOD NEWS soon!

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I have made phone calls, researched websites, and printed a lot of documents in the last week.  I have learned that this process will take TIME!

TIME or should I say waiting is hard.  I remember the two year adoption journey with Stevan. I didn’t handle that well.  By the time we brought Stevan home, I was wasted, mad at God, depressed and I had almost abandoned by faith. I was not at a good place when he came home and that led to the next few years continuing on in that place.  That is another blog post for another time. 

Thankfully God remained faithful, and He has guided me through friends and the help of my therapist to a place of healing and restoration.  He has revealed to me over the last 8 years that His timing was good and Stevan coming home was exactly RIGHT.

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I Can See Clearly Now

Traveling on this road called life, it is full of all sorts of terrain, curves, cliffs, rain and clouds. One day the road looks clear and smooth and the next it feels like you are in a fog and hanging on to the edge of a cliff by just a finger.

On December 30, Brad, Ty, Bryson, and I took our SXS’s on the Four Peaks Offroad trail.  Ever since I saw the peaks out of my RV window on day 1 at the RV resort, I fell in love with them. They were majestic and each time I saw them I thought of God.  They stood as such a reminder of His handywork.  When I learned that there was a trail up to the top, I put it on my bucket list and here we were heading out to conquer the peaks.

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Time to March

Over the past 5 months, I have communicated through Google Meet with numerous people in the different agencies that are involved in determining Bryson’s eligibility for benefits in the State of Arizona. As I recall, I have spent almost 8 hours telling these people about Bryson. I have told them all about his medical past, medical present, medications.  I have told them how he dresses, toilets, eats, walks, talks, understands.  I have told them what his abilities are and what his disabilities are… and through all of those meetings, it was determined that Bryson is eligible for services in the State of Arizona because of his CP, Autism and Moderate Intellectual Disabilities.

Over the past 5 months, not one person has seen my son in the flesh, has shook his left hand, communicated face to face with him.  Not one person from these agencies has seen the Diabetic technology that my son wears to make his life better.  Bryson is eligible to receive services in the State of Arizona, but he is being denied placement into the living arrangement that is best for him because of his Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis and technology.  Does this make sense to you?

So, what is best for Bryson?  A family…. a home with loving people who care for each other, share similar interests and spend time together or a medical group home where people require 24/7 nursing care.  That is where the State of Arizona wants to put him.

This system has forgotten what is important… the person. not his disabilities and his medical issues. As I was reflecting, I feel I have lost WHO my son is… in this world who preaches inclusion…. HE should be able to be in the best place for him….. but NO, he is his disability, a liability threat, a person assigned a number in the system.  He has no face, no personality on paper.  SO, WHO IS MY SON?  I have been so caught up in having to explain all the hard about him and I’m so tired of being his caregiver, I have lost who my son really is… funny, sports lover, worship music lover, friend, amazing at sports facts. 

Can I ask you all a favor…. As I start marching around Jericho to fight this battle can you remind me who my son is to you?  I need you all to march with me, I need you all to tell the people who are in charge of this decision who Bryson is. I need them to know that Bryson deserves the family that we have chosen for him. Bryson deserves to thrive and grow and mature in a loving family environment.

Friends, family, past teachers, coaches, pastors, coworkers, church friends, parents of his friends, can you please write a short letter of how you know Bryson and who Bryson is to you and email it to me @