Encouragement, Family, Marriage

30 Years

This week Brad and I celebrated our 30th anniversary!  The evening was spent sitting on the couch watching Cubs baseball.  The comfort of the couch felt good compared to the cold, windy spring Indiana weather.

 We have been privileged to have traveled this winter and chalked up those travels as our celebration. 

30 years of marriage makes me feel old… so does my aches and pains!

30 years of marriage makes me feel grateful….  My mom and dad only got to celebrate 28 years before he passed.

30 years of marriage makes me feel humbled… God has blessed us with family, opportunities, and incredible adventures.

30 years of marriage makes me feel loved….  Receiving a text message from Brad “30 years later she proves again I made a good choice!!! I love you.”

30 years of marriage has been hard work, many sacrifices and compromises.

30 years of marriage has had its share of broken promises and disagreements.

30 years of marriage has had its share of joyful and incredible moments!

In those 30 years, there were many a dark year, many times when we didn’t like each other, but I never doubted our love for each other.

30 years since the ceremony that wasn’t perfect, the pastor forgot a page with part of our vows.

30 years in and we are embracing a new season of life, boys living away from us, finding love of their own.  It’s exciting and hard, as transitions can be.

I’m grateful for Brad and his patience, kindness, forgiveness that he has extended to me many times.

I know that he wanted to get off the roller coaster ride of my emotions and hormones, but instead he buckled in and held on tight.  The steady part of our marriage, ready to pick me up off the floor and hold me tight. 

I’m grateful for God to have given us each other, this marriage of two countries, two personalities, two individuals – tied together in a cord of three, with God the source of hope, the ultimate meaning of love!

Let’s do 30 more!

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Published by Lisa Plett

Wife, mother, special needs mom, adoptive mom, daughter, sister and follower of Jesus.

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